Normandy and Lapland

Countries involved : France and Sweden
Partners : Europe, Leader, Région Basse-Normandie, Leader Lappland
Duration of the projet
: 2010 - 2011


The project in pictures



Voir toutes les vidéos du projet


Looks and issues around the Lower Normandy countryside and Sweden (in Lapland).

Some young people, who did not want to work in industry or conventional agriculture, launch today in occupations with high social value, environmental and cultural, in the countryside!


How do young people live in these trades, what motivates them? Are they inventing Lower Normandy and Lapland for tomorrow? What part of tradition and modernity, innovation?

What are the socio-economic, ecological, cultural arguments for their arrival (or return) in the territory?


7 young selected people, joined "communication” workshops, led by professionals, with the intention to familiarize themselves with the technical interviews, reportage, shooting.


They made video reports of 3 to 6 minutes shared on the web. They also made a visit one week in August 2011 in Lapland (Sweden), to meet with 10 young people, entrepreneurs and local people in the cultural and economic sector who have settled on the countryside. Interviews and reports were made on site. The Swedish group made a corresponding visit in Normandy in November. They all went together to meet young people who have settled down in rural areas, on projects as diverse as green tourism, eco-construction, jewelry, violin, production of spirulina ...


Public debates were organized in May, October and November 2011. The presentation of their audiovisual creations was followed by dialogues with the public and key actors.


Contact : Savoir-Faire et Découverte -

Contact Leader Lappland:


Les professionnels impliqués dans le projet


En savoir plus sur la Lozère, territoire du projet